Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Plant Animations Update

Found a good way to animate the plants in todays coding session. Instead of animating the fruit disappearing in Maya and then splitting the animation in Unity we can have the plants modeled without fruit then make a sphere/capsule/etc in Unity (for the time being) with a transparent diffuse material and in animations lower the alpha so that the fruit will fade out after being clicked on. Should be easy to incorporate into the code as well.

If we have time we could model textureless (but UV mapped) fruit which could then have a transparent diffuse texture made in unity and applied to it so it looks more intersting than just a simple shape :)

Updated the lily pads - removed the fruit in the centre and added more polys so they are more rounded and look less like dog beds

Also made a circuit board which could be used as one of the parts to be picked up. This probably won't be used however as it'll be easier to use transparent/difuse in Unity which will work with the hallucinations better and could be replaced by a planar map with alpha channel as this would use less polys

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